Life Group Survey

We want to consider the most effective means and relative topics to encourage growth and meet the spiritual needs of more people.  With that in mind we are surveying the people of Village Bible Church.  If you attend, have attended, or plan to attend VBC would you please help by completing the following survey.  This will help us as we consider what we will do in future groups that will meet.

[contact-form to=”[email protected]” subject=”Survey response from”][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name”][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email”][contact-field label=”I prefer to be part of a group…” type=”checkbox-multiple” required=”1″ options=”with those of my gender,with those in a similar stage of life,that is mixed (multi-gender, multi-stages of life),of any kind”][contact-field label=”I would be more comfortable meeting…” type=”checkbox-multiple” required=”1″ options=”at church,in someone’s home,with a group in my own home (hosting a group does not necessarily require leading it),with a mentor (one-on-one or two),another location (make suggestion in comments)”][contact-field label=”The following topic(s) would be helpful:” type=”checkbox-multiple” required=”1″ options=”how to study the Bible,discerning the will of God for my life,understanding my spiritual gifts and role in the church,effectiveness in prayer,effective methods of evangelism,winning with personal finances,spiritual warfare,overcoming sin and temptation,dealing with difficult circumstances,resolving conflict,other (make suggestion in comments)”][contact-field label=”What other topic(s) would be helpful to you?” type=”text”][contact-field label=”What other suggestions do you have (location, group makeup, etc.)?” type=”text”][/contact-form]